Γενικό Επιτελείο Στρατού Εθνοφυλακής

The National Guard from its establishment until today

National Guard is an organized military force and it is an institution in other ountries as well, under the name National Guard. In Greece, it first appears during the establishment of the Independent Greek State, aiming at covering the need of organizing the population, to face the multiple security problems of that historical period.

As an institution it was established by legislative regulation in 1843, but in 1879 it was abolished due to the passing of the Law “On Recruitment”.

In 1944, a National Guard Command was established, at a Division level, consisting of 40 Units. In 1949, the National Guard institution was revived and the Defence National Guard Battalions were organized. In 1950, a National Guard Directorate was established under HAGS.

In 1982, Law 1295/82 on the national guard was passed.

In 1988, upon decision of the Supreme Military Council, the National Guard Directorate was dissolved in peacetime and the management of National Guard matters was assigned to HAGS/Infantry Directorate.

In 2017, HAGS established a National Guard Directorate (A5) in its Staff.

On 09 Feb 23, Law 5018/2023 on the National Guard was passed, to rationalize recruitment provisions and upgrade the institution, in order to become more effective and contribute to the defence of the country. With said law, L. 1295/82 was abolished.

In accordance with L. 5018/2023:

a. The National Guard, as an organic armed force of the Army, is established in peacetime to reinforce and support the Armed Forces in fulfilling their mission in peacetime, mobilization (general or partial) and wartime.

b. Those enlisted to serve in National Guard are called National Guardsmen.

c. National Guardsmen are considered active duty military personnel and are subject to military laws and regulations, only when they are on duty. Being on duty is the execution of a military mission or service or training, only during the time period that the mission or service or training lasts, including the transport time from their home to the place of fulfilling a mission or a service or training and vice versa.